Note about FRP and FHM
I Functional hybrid modeling
1.1 causal and none-causal languages
Special modeling languages have been developed to facilitate modeling and simulation. There are two broad language categories in this domain.
Causal (or block-oriented) languages and none-causal (or object-oriented) language.
In causal modeling, the equations that represent the physics of system must be written so that the direction of singal flow, in \(causality\), is explicit.
- Simulink (Mathlab)[2]
Ptolemy II[3]
Ptolemy II is an open-source software framework supporting experimentation with actor-oriented design. [4]
“In Non-causal language, the equations taht focuses on the interconnection of the components of system being modeled, from which causality is then inferred.”
- Dymola (Mathlab)[5]
- Modelica[6]
1.1.1 Drawbacks:
causal languages: Needing to explicity specify the causality. This hampers modularity and reuse[7].
none-causal languages: Trid to solve the issue of cause languages via loowing the user to avoid committing the model itself to a specific causality. But current non-causal modeling languages sacifice generality, particularly when it comes to hybrid modeling.
Additional weaknesses: Language safety disciplines are uncommon.
1.2 Functional reactive programming
In research of Yale, they has developed a framework called functional rective programming, or FRP[8]. which is highly suited fro causal hybird modeling[9]. And, because the full power of a functional language is avaliable, it exhibits a high degree of modularity, allowing reuse of components and design patterns.[10]
1.3 Functional hybrid modeling
functional hybird modeling, or FHM is a combined of FRP and none-causal languages. Which can be seen as a generalization of FRP, since FRP’s functions on singals are a special case of FHM’s relations on signals. FHM, like FRP, also allows the description of structurally dynamic models.[11]
II Integrating Functional Programming and Non-Causal Modeling[12]
The two key idea are to give first -class status to relations on signals and to provide constructs for discrete switch ing between relations.
2.1 First-Class Signal Relations
A signal is, conceptually, a function of time. A signal function maps a stimulating singal onto a responding signal. A natual mathematical description of a continuous signal function is ahta of an ODE(ordinary differential equation) in explict form.
A function is just a special case of the more general concept of a relation. While functions usually are given a causal interpretation, relations are inherently non-causal. DAEs(differential and algebraic equations) wre at the heaart of none-causal modeling. It’s natureal to view ODE in explict form can be seen as a causal signal function.
A non-causal model is an implicit system of DAE: \(f(x, x',w,u,t)=0\),where \(x\) is a vector of state variables, \(w\) as a vector of algebraic variables, \(u\) is a vector of inputs, and \(t\) is the time.
Conceptualy, we define the polymorphic type of signal as \(S\ \alpha = Time \rightarrow \alpha\); that is, \(S\ \alpha\) is the type of a signal whose instantaneous value is of type \(\alpha\)(parameteric type).
[1] [Andrew Kennedy. Programming Languages and Dimensions. PhdD thesis, University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory, April 1996. Published as Technical Port No. 391.](
[2] Simulink:
[3][4] Ptolemy Project: Ptolemy II
[5] Dynamic Modeling Laboratory
[6] Modelica
[7] Frannois E. Cellier. Object-oriented modelling: Means of dealing with system complexity. In Proceeedings of the 15th Benelur Meeting on Systems and Control, Mierlo, The Netherland, pages 53-64, 1006 cited in Functional Hybird Modeling, Henrik Nilsson, John Peterson, and Paul Hudak, Department of Computer Science, Yale University, PADL 2003
[8] Zhanyong Wan and Paul Hudak. Functional reactive programming from first princple. In proceeding s of PLDI’01: Symposium on Programming Language Design and Implementation, pages 202-202, June 2000.
[9][10][11] Henrik Nilsson, John Peterson, and Paul Hudak, Functional Hybird Modeling, Department of Computer Science, Yale University, PADL 2003
[12][13] Henrik Nilsson, John Peterson, and Paul Hudak, Functional Hybird Modeling, Department of Computer Science, Yale University, PADL 2003