Zhen Kong (Ryan)
- B.S of MUST (Macao Univ. of Sci. & Tech.)
- Professional Member of IEEE
- Email: ryankung@ieee.org
Research Interests
- Distirbuted System and Algorithms
- Blockchain and it’s Application
- Theory of Programming Language
- 2011-2013 Full-Stack Engineer of Douban Ltd.
- 2013-2014 Data Scientist of ImayGou Ltd.
- 2013-2015 Chief Software Architect of OpenEx@ASICMiner.
- 2016-2017 Software Architect of Xunlei (XNET) Ltd.
- 2017- —— Chief Software Architect of Bixin Ltd., General Leader of Bixin Ltd. SZ Branch
Skill Keywords
Distributed System
Machine Learning
- Mike Tang, wayslog,.., MarisaKirisame , Ryan Kung,
The Rust Primer for Beginners,
Rustcc, gitbook, github.com/rustcc/rustprimer
Works & Projects
Klefki, Klefki is a playground for researching elliptic curve group based cryptocoins, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. All data types & structures are based on mathematical defination of abstract algebra.
ExchangeableToken, A extension for Ethereum based tokens, which added an build-in exchange.
AlphaTown, A 2D Virtual Social Network
www.alphatown.comhogwarts, A Learning Router, for researchers, implementated with Clojure.
CardKit, A mobile UI framework to help you build mobile web apps quickly and simply, or transfer entire website to native-like web app for touch devices
Stack / Stack-cli, A missing The Tool stack for Python
pWsgi, pWSGI is a WSGI wrapper with pulsar. It can easily map a wsgi app (such as Flask app or djang app) to a pulsar wsgi app with full features supporting by pulsar.
rc4-python3, rc4 implementation via py3.
fn-compose, Make python support function compostion with matrix_mul operator
shadowsocks4blackberry, Ported shadowsocks-libev to blackberry QNX OS.
- Tensorflow – Computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning
- Bitcoin —— Bitcoin Core integration/staging tree
- Werkzeug —— A flexible WSGI implementation and toolkit
- pulsar – A scalable async network framework implementation of CSP
- symon – Tiny graphical system monitor for Emacs
Professional Qualification
Founding Member of Computational Intelligence Society (IEEE)
Certificate for Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computation By Berkely University ond Edx
Certificate for Machine Learning by Stanford University on Coursera.