Posted on June 15, 2017

Metaphysical Micro-Services Modeling

Ryan J. Kung

I Metaphysical Modeling

There are two ways in which the term modeling can be understood: descriptive and preciptive. A descriptive model represent an existing system Thus a presciptive model is one that can be used to construct the target system[1]. We wont try to model classic or pure micro-services archicture there, but we may needs to obey follow rules which discript well about micro-services

1.1 Descriptive with Functional

A Functional is a Function which accept a paramater \(\theta\) and output a function \(f(x;\theta)\), where \(f(x)\) is the abstract of \(services\ processing\).

1.1.1 Pure Function and equivariant

Pure Function is that a function dose not cause any side-effect, which is means, no statements, IO, wont cause MUTEX, etc.

And suppose that there is two function \(f\) and \(g\), \(f(x)\) is equivariant to \(g\) \(iff\): \(f\circ g(x)=g \circ f(x)\).

1.1.2 Compose Function

In mathematic, compose of functions \(f(g(x)) = f \circ g (x)\) can can be represent that \(compose ( f, g)(x)\), or in S-exp \((compose\ f'\ g')\), where \(\circ\) is a \(left\ prefix\) function.

Functions can be composed with any order iff they are \(Pure\) or \(Equivariant\), otherwise we may need to define some fixed oreder function with \(J=f\circ g\), which have some hidden functions like \(f\) and \(g\) in our descrpiptive scope.

1.1.2 Side-Effect

Side-effect usually caused via Resource Sharing, IO, or Statement. If a function cause side-effect, it’s obviously not a \(pure\) function, but it still can be describe as \(equivariant\) function.

A \(distribution\) system can be describe as a system which including unpredictable order in which certain events can occour, So as the micro-service System. With the definition of the \(Lamport\ Timestamp\), we can define a compose of functions like: \(Ev_a \rightarrow [Ev_{b1}, Ev_{b2}] \rightarrow Ev_c \rightarrow Ev_d\). If all events are \(pure\) or \(equivariant\), we can think \(Ev_{b1}\) and \(Ev_{b2}\) are occour concurrency.

But if \(Ev_{b2}\) couse side-effect, we must include the statement of \(Ev_{b2}\) in our \(Lamprot\ Timeline\): \(Ev_a \rightarrow [Ev_{b1}, Ev_{b2}^1] \rightarrow [Ev_{b1}, Ev_{b2}^2]\rightarrow Ev_c \rightarrow Ev_d\). The processing of \([Ev_{b1}, Ev_{b2}^1] \rightarrow [Ev_{b1}, Ev_{b2}^2]\) is a block or synchronization of side-effect.

1.2 Preciptive with DSLs

When we said that a language \(l\) covers a subset of \(P\), we can simply call this subset the domain covered with \(l\). The subset of \(P\) in that domain \(P_D\) is equal to the subset of \(P\) we can express with a language \(l\) \(P_l\). So, we cannot ask a question like: “Does the language adequately cover the domain?”, since it always does, by definition.[4] And the definition can be also interept as that “DSL is always model complete, by definition”.

DSLs is actually a meta-ness of preciptive modeling, and according to the Model Complete Theory, DSLs is the shortcut of providing a better abstrict of target system. Or we can say that, all modeling methods will bring us a DSL which is model completion.

1.2 Scale, Underfitting and Overfitting

We can optimize \(f(x;\theta)\) by provide a better scale rate \(\theta\). So we may needs to define a \(Cost\ function\) to define how good a choice of \(\theta\) is, this \(cost\ function\) is always calls banchmark in architecture modeling.

For avoid underfitting and overfitting, we usually setup some monitor services for getting the approximate value of \(\theta\).

II Concrete

Thus we have passed the age of exploration of the distribution system or archicture. There is alot of components for building a concrete distribute micro-services system.

2.1 Describe the Services

In a distribute system envirement, we can build out system on a implemented distribute system, such as etcd, or consul Which provide an opensource implementation of raft algorthm that equivariant to Lamport’s PAXOS.

The best way for descriptive modeling should be DSLs, thus it’s hard to implementation. In a compromise way, we can use RPC to provide a better description of services itself. GRPC might be a good choice, during to the strict type system and Http 2.0 supporting.

A services should tell others Who it is, and What or How it should be. For the formalize denote of \(y=f(x;\theta)\), \(f\) should be the id or name of the services, and \(x\rightarrow y\) is the input/output protocol of services. For more, It should also provide \(\theta\) to other services which is usuallys stands for \(scale\ rate\). So it’s necessary to register the meta information as K/V with our distribute system for exploring by other services. And use services like confd to moniting and applying the KV changes.

For static config of services(even for clients), we can simple build a static config system. For example, PSS is a simple Kstorage system base on pandas which provide map, reduce, filter function for reshape/recache the static config files.

2.2 Regulator of \(\theta\)

For getting a better \(\theta\), We may need some monitor services such as grafana / Prometheus / Sentry for function of cost. Then we may try to predict \(\theta\) based on the banchmark and result of montoring.

2.3 Side-effect

It’s really complex for managing statements and side-effect, visiting a resoure by multiple services in same time may occor unpredictable result or \(mutex\rightarrow deadlock\). To avoid it, we may needs to discript the side-effect more strictly. Some GPL such like Haskell provide a abstruct data structure for manage it called monad, thus there is IO monad, State Monad, Pal Monad, Eval Monad. Word monad actually means that a operators that don’t have inverse element.

Qubit[4] is thus a system for manage side-effect data. The basic idea of Qubit is from FRP and Eval Monad. Qubit is a multi-process services which is also distribute but has no effect. A Qubit Works as a Immutable Type Class which is just provide some eval monad for schedular and calling. The Qubit descriped with following rules.

2.4 Toolkits

For depoly and testing the distribute system, we may need alot of tookits. Such as git-daemon or fabric. Stack is another choice for making building system easilyer which provide a remote shell based on websockets, and support fabric’s systax which is actually a DSL

III Reference

[1][4] DSL Engineering, Designing, Implementing and Using Domain-Specific Languages, Markus Voelter,, ch 2.1

[2]Time, Clock, And the Ordering of Events in a distribute system, Leslie Lamport, MCA Inc.

[3] Why DSL Ryan J. Kung,

[4] Qubit, A Eval based Time Series Event System. Micro-Services Modeling