We perfer to use DSLs is addressing that in model complete therory and definition of DSLs, it is a more concrete and direct way for doing modeling better, because iff a model M is model complete, it is equalize to the DSL of that Model.
There are two main schools of DSLs: internal and external DSLs[1]. The concrete syntax defines the notation with wihich users can express programs.
A DSL or GPL may include follow ingredients[2]:
abstract syntax
which is a data structure that can hold the semantically relevant information express by a program.
static semantics
Which Of language are the set of constraints and/or type system rules to which programs have to conform.
Which refers to the meaning of a program once it is execuded. It is realized using the execution engine.
Modeling, and Model Complete
There are two ways in which the term modeling can be understood: descriptive and preciptive. A descriptive model represent an existing system Thus a presciptive model is one that can be used to construct the target system. In DSL engineering, we always mean prescriptive models when we use the term model[3].
Model Complete
In model theory, a first-order theory is called model complete if every embedding of models is an elementary embedding. Equivalently, every first-order formula is equivalent to a universal formula[6].
A companion of a theory T is a theory T∗ such that every model of T can be embedded in a model of T∗ and vice versa.
A model companion of a theory T is a companion of T that is model complete. Robinson proved that a theory has at most one model companion.
A model completion for a theory T is a model companion T∗ such that for any model M of T, the theory of T∗ together with the diagram of M is complete. Roughly speaking, this means every model of T is embeddable in a model of T∗ in a unique way.
GPL and Turing Complete
We known that the GPL is always Turing Complete. Turing Complete is means that a GPL it can be used to simulate any single-taped Turing machine. Turing Complete is actualy a preciptive model of Turing Machine.
Domains and Model complete
When we said that a language l covers a subset of P, we can simply call this subset the domain covered with l. The subset of P in that domain PD is equal to the subset of P we can express with a language l Pl. So, we cannot ask a question like: “Does the language adequately cover the domain?”, since it always does, by definition.[4] And the definition can be also interept as that “DSL is always model complete, by definition”
A DSL might be eighter incomplete-DSL or complete-DSL, is determined by Completeless which is refers and only refers to the degree to which a language L can express programs that contain all necessary information to execute them. An program express in an incomplete DSL requires additional specifications (such as configuation files or code written in a lower-level language) to make it executable.[5]
[1][2][3]DSL Engineering, Designing, Implementing and Using Domain-Specific Languages, Markus Voelter, dslbook.org, ch 2.1
[4]DSL Engineering, Designing, Implementing and Using Domain-Specific Languages, Markus Voelter, dslbook.org, ch 3.1
[5]DSL Engineering, Designing, Implementing and Using Domain-Specific Languages, Markus Voelter, dslbook.org, ch 4.5
[6] Chang, Chen Chung; Keisler, H. Jerome (1990) [1973], Model Theory, Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics (3rd ed.), Elsevier, ISBN 978-0-444-88054-3